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White Oaks West Animal Hospital


Brianne McLaughlin

Brianne McLaughlin at White Oaks West Animal Hospital


Brianne McLaughlin

My love of veterinary medicine began in 1995 when I started working as a kennel assistant at White Oaks West. I love meeting new people, helping their animals, and the anticipation of never truly knowing what will walk through the door. I love the animals, I love the challenge of a difficult case and most of all, I love being a part of the amazing relationships people and their pets share. I love working at White Oaks West because all of the staff: veterinarians, technicians, and receptionists, share the same goal: to provide the best preventative medicine to pets to allow them and their owners to share their bond as long as possible. 

My husband Nate and I live on our farm in Mason City IL. We have two gregarious and energetic boys, Wyatt and Emmett , and 2 dogs: Major and Lt. Dan, both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I love spending time with my family, cooking, attempting a garden, and working out.


University of Illinois, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 2006

University of Missouri-Columbia, Bachelor of Science 2002

Professional Associations & Affiliations

USDA Accreditation

AVMA - American Veterinary Medical Association

ISVMA - Illinois Veterinary Medical Association

CIVMA - Central Illinois Valley Medical Association